This signature programme covers all aspects of market access, technical
requirements for exporting fish products to different international markets. In
particular this programme enhances the visibility and viability of SME fisheries and
our country’s aquaculture sector in the global sea food market.
The FADI EDP provides various development-focused services, including: Vocational training focusing on international trade. Developing export competence within local small- and medium-sized companies.

Providing access to expertise, knowledge and networks that businesses need
to grow internationally. Offering standardised training modules on company practice and export coaching.

Providing up-to-date market- and sector-related information to exporters. Mentoring export-ready companies to strengthen their export activities. Offering international mentoring to help businesses meet specific needs. Facilitating outward missions to expose emerging exporters to foreign markets

The FADI EDP is also active in the space of building specially developed labels
for trade in the global seafood market.